Food, Transportation, and Market Dynamics: Research and Professional Insights
About Me
I am a Ph.D. candidate in Applied Economics and an M.S. student in Statistics at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. I am an active member of the Center for the Economics of Sustainability and the Big Data for Enviromental Economics and Policy My research focuses on transportation economics, environmental economics, and food markets. I leverage causal inference techniques, applied machine learning, computational data science, digital field experiments, and empirical industrial organization to address complex economic questions. I am particularly fascinated by the underlying mechanisms that drive decision-making among market actors, with my work centering on three main areas
1. Prices and Disruptions
I study how climate change-related disruptions, such as landslides, affect food price integration across markets and explore what policymakers can do to mitigate these effects.
2. Ground Freight Transportation Market Power
I examine how ground transportation competition operates in middle-income countries and analyze their responses to increasing disruptions in terms of market power, coping mechanisms, and strategic behavior.
3. Ride-Hailing and Public Transit
I investigate how private ride-hailing companies can contribute to increasing the use of rail systems in the United States. This research is part of a collaborative project between Uber and the University of Illinois, utilizing digital experiments to evaluate ride-to-connect policies.
Professional Experience
Beyond academia, I bring over 10 years of experience across sectors such as transportation, food and agriculture, consulting, and marketing. I have gained extensive industry experience as a Senior Financial and strategy analyst in various multinational companies, where I optimized operational costs and improved financial performance. I also worked as consultant, developing machine learning frameworks to predict prices and analyze supply chains. These experiences, combined with my passion for data science and policy analysis, have equipped me with the skills to tackle complex economic and financial challenges.
I also have experience as a freelancer, where I apply machine learning and deep learning to evaluate investment opportunities in industries such as real estate, tourism, and agriculture. If you’re interested in exploring some of the projects I’ve been involved in, feel free to take a look here